🦄Uniswap🦄 Proposal One Defeated!

David Felton
Oct 19, 2020

Proposal one has officially been defeated as of blocknumber 11082608, the proposal timed out earlier than the Ethereum community expected due to a lower average blocktime than expected! Much of the community expressed confusion over this issue…

Remember, smart contracts usually use a specific block number to set a time for something to happen, and blocktimes [time between blocks], can vary.

As in my screenshot, you can easily check the endblock of a given proposal by it’s number with the proposals() method of the Uniswap Governor Contract at: https://etherscan.io/token/0x5e4be8bc9637f0eaa1a755019e06a68ce081d58f#readContract

We voted no with approx. 500k votes and were the largest voter for “No”.


We are proud to have defended Uniswap’s sovereignty,



David Felton

We are a Decentralized Governance Token Delegation focused on software deliverables to improve decentralized protocols and ensure protocol interoperability.