NEWS UPDATE — 3/9/2021

David Felton
5 min readMar 9, 2021


Hi all,

I’m Richard, the CTO of PenguinParty!

Photo by Bob Shea on Unsplash

Due to the new influx of users, I just wanted to let you guys know what we have working on and our plans for the future. As a reminder, we have a Discord group (here) where the majority of our communication goes, as well as our weekly meetings with both the community and the developers. If you’re not an avid Discord user, that’s okay too! I plan to make sure all the Telegram natives are fully aware of all the moving and grooving we’re doing. However, our community voice meetings will still remain in Discord for the time being due to the technical limitations and time constraints involved, and I hope that you understand.

Since December, we have grown our team by 5 developers (4 dApp/Solidity developers, 1 professional UI/UX designer). This brings our team count to 4 senior developers (Hiturunk, myself, Stephen, and Pancake), 3 junior developers (Dreadful, RyanG, Finagle), Davey, who is our unofficial liason to DFOHub as well as a Statistics/Machine Learning student, and Pooryia, our Graphics and Logo designer. We feel that we have an exceptional team of talented and motivated lifelong learners dedicated to the open source development philosophy. I feel very proud that people of their skillsets not only want to work with us, but see us as trusted subject matter experts as well as people they can rely on. They have all already done fantastic work, and I strongly believe they will continue to do so in the future.

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Some of you may be familiar with the Uniswap team’s Unisocks project. Essentially, this was the first collectible ERC20 that can be redeemed for a real-world item (a pair of Uniswap branded socks). Unisocks is currently experiencing two issues: 1) The code for is based on Uniswap V1, and is not currently maintainable; 2) Unisocks are still in the Uniswap V1 liquidity pair system. We have completed a full rewrite of the as a fork of the PenguinSwap/Uniswap codebase so that the Uniswap team is capable of maintaining it easily as well as migrating Unisocks to the Uniswap V2 liquidity pools. The current state of this project is that it has been presented to the Uniswap developer team, the people in charge have seen it, and we are awaiting further instruction from them on how to move forward.

Speaking of collectibles, do you like penguins? I have good news for you then! In the spirit of open source development, we plan to reuse our work on the Unisocks upgrade to launch our own collectible NFT and physical merchandise store (note: we will not be selling actual penguins, we believe very strongly that all penguins deserve to live a free and fulfilled life). Additional details about this project as well as other NFT and collectibles related projects to come in the future, so get hype!

Photo by Gilly on Unsplash

On to partnerships. In accordance with open source ethos, we believe that having a strong community foundation — not just of our users and supporters, but also with other communities of experts, enthusiasts, and professionals — is paramount to not only our success, but also the success of the cryptocurrency space at large. With that in mind, our partnerships were formed in order to return value to our users as well as our partners’, and to maintain an atmosphere of dependability and reliability. You will find that our partnerships were formed strategically, in order to compliment the areas where our partners had a need and we had a solution, as well as where we had a need and our partners had the solution. In other words, when we compliment our partners’ products and skillsets, we make it easier for both us and them to succeed.

Our first partnership was with Liquidity Dividends Protocol ( This partnership had us integrate features into PenguinSwap to improve the user experience of their LIFTOFF project to great success. Just as their users are using PenguinSwap, I would like to encourage our users to research their offerings, and I look forward to their continued success as well as working with them in the future.

And now, it’s time to officially announce our new partnership. As part of our ongoing mission to return value to our users, we are planning a complete upgrade to the PenguinSwap user interface as a fully fledged pro-trading interface. CryptoKek ( is an analytics platform for decentralized exchanges designed to offer cutting edge insight to support its users in their endeavors. The CryptoKek team are DeFi natives with an impressive skillset, and they’re very friendly too! So if you like what you see, make sure to tell them we sent you.

To support our pro-trading tools project, we have also applied for the first round of grants from UniGov. We can’t share many details on this.

We consider ourselves somewhat like the mad scientists of DeFi, and as such I hope you are excited for the future of the project. We have one more partnership in the works, we’re just waiting to iron out the details and then get on our spaceships.

Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash

Make sure you watch Hiturunk speaking at the BUIDL conference at

And the presentation can be found HERE.

And a final note related to governance, there is a new UNI proposal to turn on the fee switch that we want to know your thoughts on. We will be putting forward a vote on which position we should use our delegated votes for, so in the mean time we’d like you all to discuss the pros and cons with us in Discord and Telegram.

Thank you for your time!

Signed, Richard



David Felton
David Felton

Written by David Felton

We are a Decentralized Governance Token Delegation focused on software deliverables to improve decentralized protocols and ensure protocol interoperability.

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