Let Your Vote Be Heard! — 🐧Penguin Party Fish🐟 Can Now Be Used for Voting!
The Penguin Party is proud to announce that 🐟 can now be used for proposing and voting in Penguin Party Governance on Snapshot.page: https://snapshot.page/#/penguin-party/community
This means that now the voters truly get to have their votes heard on Uniswap by delegating to the decentralized PenguinParty.eth multi-sig controlled by three co-delegators and moving their decision-making to layer 2, that is: offchain.
With Snapshot, the community can now ideate and inform the co-delegators on governance issues pertinent to the community and inform the party’s decision-making in a safe, pseudonymous, and trustless manner…and best of all? No gas required!
The first Proposal was already submitted, entitled: “Should PenguinParty vote Yes or No on Proposal 2 for Uniswap? #QmQF8c4” —
- A major flaw in Wrapped-Delegated Uni V1 was detected by an observant user, and after internal discussions the co-delegators unanimously decided we would award them our first-ever bounty of 1,000 🐟!
(We will target redeployment after further internal testing)
- A Bug Bounty plan is in the works!
- The Penguin Party dapp is developing nicely and multiple developers have joined the project.
- Three users missed out on the airdrop and will be compensated by the multi-sig treasury for the 1,000 🐟 they missed out on, by vote of the multi-sig.
- Community member Pooryia submitted some BEAUTIFUL logos!
More to come soon!
Fish Scoreboard:https://penguinparty-eth.github.io/SourceCred-Instance/#/explorer - Discord: https://discord.gg/J3RFA3P
Medium: http://medium.com/@Hiturunk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PenguinpartyE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HiturunkE
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCvcz0jSa65MZSQMB3hMNAkA
Github: https://github.com/penguinparty-eth/
Codecks [Our Project Management Platform]: https://open.codecks.io/-penguinparty/