Introducing — PenguinSwap

David Felton
4 min readNov 6, 2020


Choose wisely…

Good morning Penguins!

We were excited to see Penguin Party 🐟 has taken and held the #1 spot in price change on Uniswap!


I’ve been hard at work to bring you good news!
We have developed and deployed a new front-end interface to interact with Uniswap’s contracts called ‘PenguinSwap’, which you can find here.

Keep in mind this is an EARLY build.

You can get Penguin Party 🐟 now on PenguinSwap here.

You can get Penguin Party 🦐 now on PenguinSwap here.

See, Uniswap has a problem: It has preferred routing pairs that exclude a lot of tokens. What does this mean? It means that on occasion it can give you a worse route for your trade than would be optimal. Here’s an example, let’s say I want to swap LINK for UNI on Uniswap…

, Uniswap says that’s approximately .2 LINK to UNI..not bad..But guess what? There’s a better trade available on Uniswap:

By routing instead through Uni’s side pairs, it appears there’s a better deal!

That’s right! If you were to instead trade through Penguin Party Fish, you’d get a better deal!

But Uniswap will never give you this option, because UNI isn’t in the preferred token list, and neither is Fish.

By adding these pairs to our custom interface’s preferred token list, we have now given every user a better deal on their trades of Uni, Fish, or any other token we want to add to the list.

As well, we have several other announcements:

  • Wrapped-Delegated Uni has been deployed with some good fixes! It is now known as Penguin Party Shrimp. It is still experimental and we recommend you exercise caution in interacting with it.
    It‘s address is here: 0x5a43589fe110bb355ba4a90a9c01476d87e68de8
  • The first liquidity mining payment was distributed to the fish-eth LP on November 3rd, following the vote to start liquidity mining. Payments will continue weekly for two months.
  • We have created our own tokenlist that is fully compatible across defi applications. You can find it here and contribute to it here.
  • UPDATE: We’ve received a lot of questions about what Shrimp are, if you’re not familiar, Shrimp are Wrapped-Delegated Uni, delegated to penguinparty, you can mint Shrimp directly on the contract here: while we work on creating an interface for wrapping and unwrapping Shrimp. Be warned: shrimp are still experimental and have not been audited yet, they have a 1% transaction fee that will be sent to the treasury upon transacting, which will be distributed to the liquidity pool to create extra profits for 🦐 liquidity poolers.

We’re hard at work to ensure the continued development of Uniswap and open-source software that benefits everyone here at Penguinparty.eth!

Thank you for your support, and we wish you a happy ETH 2.0 launch. : )

[Thank you, Vitalik Buterin]

0x0be0ecc301a1c0175f07a66243cff628c24db852, Hiturunk.eth —
co-delegate of penguinparty.eth..



David Felton
David Felton

Written by David Felton

We are a Decentralized Governance Token Delegation focused on software deliverables to improve decentralized protocols and ensure protocol interoperability.

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